01843 263070 / 07377 816021

Email us

Booking enquiries are taken between 9:30am and 2:30pm, Monday - Friday only. Call us on 01843 263070 / 07377 816021.

Treatments & Prices

Below are a full list of the treatments that we provide as well as the prices, please click on any of the treatments to display more information.

Dermal Fillers+
Muscle Relaxing Injections (Botulinum Toxin) +
Neostrata Glycolic Skin Peels +
Sclerotherapy For Leg Veins +
Cryopen +
Mesotherapy (Micro Needling) +

For additional information on the areas we cover and the range of services we provide please contact us or call us on 01843 263070 / 07377 816021.

Contact Details

01843 263070 / 07377 816021


4 The Broadway
Kent CT10 2AD

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